Sunday, September 27, 2009

lomo addicted

long time no see, so sorry for rarely update. i just have litte leisure time :)
i am so happy nowadays and proud becoming a bitches, *please don't ever thought bitches like butterfly-night-girl. But i do what i love to do, i don't get any force from anyone. I become what i wanna be :)

nowadays, i am so crazies about lomo with my friends, vina sagita and fabiola agustina, oh i do love camera and all the toy camera are, but it get craziercrazier ever after my visited from, the toy camera is in front of my eyes then i touch it. Oh baby, i think i gonna buy for my christmas present hehe :P

this is lomo lovalove <3<3

yeahh i know this is not lomo family :P
but i love it